Internet is full of gurus who claim to teach the best in the world but if you do not stay aware, you will lose your hard-earned money on those gurus...
After visiting and signing up for 20+ websites, I got to know about the way I am going to share. Let's dive in. Before we continue, please setup ...
Before we dive into finding reasons on our blog, let's first understand why Kotlin came into the role. Basically, technology is an industry which is...
I wasn't able to write since the last two weeks. Was busy in building ValueRead. Before I start this blog, I would like to thank everyone who tried...
As an Android Developer, you must be familiar with "findViewById". TextView txtView = (TextView)findViewById(; And the pain of writing this...
Thank you so much guys for your valuable feedback and suggestions on last week libraries. Here are the libraries of this week: 1.OtpView: A custom...