There are millions of apps on Google Play Store and each one is different from one another. Either you look in context of user interface design or technology stacks that was used in those.
But there is one thing similar in most of the apps. (There can be other similarity also). That is that they use the same set of open source libraries. In some case, 3rd party libraries also.
So, if you are building android apps or planning to learn then you must look into these libraries once.
And try building at least one app using every library that I am going to list down below.
First number on the list is taken by,
1.Retrofit: It is a type-safe HTTP client that allows you to define your REST API as an interface. You can manipulate the API requests’ body, headers, query parameters and much more via annotations, which makes everything clean and simple.
2.Picasso: A powerful image downloading and caching library for Android Images to add much-needed context and visual flair to Android applications. Picasso allows for hassle-free image loading in your application—often in one line of code!
3.Dagger: Without Dagger, our Top 10 libraries list would be incomplete. Dagger is a fully static, compile-time dependency injection framework.
4.RxJava: It is a Java implementation of ReactiveX API that allows you to chain asynchronous tasks and events into observable sequences. Users expect modern applications to display data in real-time. In other words, they want to see data updated automatically.
5.Moshi: Moshi is a library that converts JSON into Java and Kotlin models. A lot of people refer to the Moshi as GSON 3.0. This library is superior to GSON in several aspects: it's faster, it includes Kotlin support, it's maintained, it throws predictable exceptions.
6.Glide: It is a fast and efficient image loading library for Android focused on smooth scrolling. Glide offers an easy-to-use API, a performant and extensible resource decoding pipeline and automatic resource pooling.
7. Room : Room provides an abstraction layer over SQLite to allow fluent database access while harnessing the full power of SQLite.
Apps that handle non-trivial amounts of structured data can benefit greatly from persisting that data locally. The most common use case is to cache relevant pieces of data. That way, when the device cannot access the network, the user can still browse that content while they are offline. Any user-initiated content changes are then synced to the server after the device is back online.
8.Firebase: This gives you the tools to develop high-quality apps, grow your user base, and earn more money. We cover the essentials, so you can monetize your business and focus on your users.
9.EventBus: This is an open-source library for Android and Java using the publisher/subscriber pattern for loose coupling. It enables central communication to decoupled classes with just a few lines of code – simplifying the code, removing dependencies, and speeding up app development.
10.Lottie: Lottie is a library for Android, iOS, Web, and Windows that parses Adobe After Effects animations exported as json with Bodymoving and renders them natively on mobile and on the web!
For the first time, designers can create and ship beautiful animations without an engineer painstakingly recreating it by hand. They say a picture is worth 1,000 words so here are 13,000.
Thanks for reading. Let's connect Twitter/ LinkedIn.
Also Read:
- First App on Play store
- Top 10 Android Development Questions I have been asked
- Why should you learn Kotlin?
- What is Server Driven UI?
- What to keep in Mind while making the project open source?
- Best Blog Websites for Android App Developers
- Android Library Series
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